Beaded Bezel Pendant Tutorial with Hand Painted Honey Bee Glass Cabochon, Leather and Glass Seed Beads
Free Necklace Tutorial. For this beaded bezel pendant tutorial, you will need: Hand painted honey bee glass cabochon, black leather, black ultra-suede, nylon thread, #11 delica seed beads, #15 rocailles, #11 rocailles, Lacy’s stiff stuff beading foundation fabric, beading needles #12 and #12 sharps, Scissors, black cotton cord, E6000 Adhesive.
Honey Bee Hand Painted Cabochons for sale!
(1) First separate the Lacy’s Stiff Stuff Beading Foundation fabric in to a very thin layers, cut a piece of fabric that is approximately (3mm) larger than the cabochon. Glue it to cabochon. If you are using E6000, allow time for the glue to dry.
(2) Tie an overhand knot at the end of 2yd. (1.8m) of conditioned thread. Using a # 12 needle, sew through the beading foundation fabric from back to front, next to the cab’s edge.
(3) Pick up six 11o black color Japanese seed beads, and position them along the cab’s edge. Sew through the last three beads. Continue working in beaded backstitch around the edge of the cab, adding an even number of beads.
(4) Using a regular beading needle and 11o beads, work in tubular, even-count peyote stitch around the ring. Changing seed bead colors, continue adding rounds of peyote until the top edge of the cab is covered.
(5) Then work a round of peyote using 15o (rocailles) dark gold color seed beads, black, and gold plated rocailles to curve the beadwork inward so it’s snug around the dome of the cab.
(6) Weave through the bezel to the backstitched round, sew through the sheet between two beads, and tie a knot. Don’t trim the thread.
(7) Glue the Ultrasuede to the back of the cabochon. Trim two layers of fabrics near to the edge of cabochon, be careful don’t cut the thread. Sew through to the new back of the pendant near the edge, and whip stitch (using sharps seedle) the edges together. Don’t trim the thread.
(8) Using sharps needle, sew back through the fabrics and the backstitched round one of the lower beads. Using the pumpkin color delica 11o Japanese seed beads continue adding rounds of peyote.
(9) Work a two - three rounds of peyote using black color 15o rocailles, to curve the beadwork outward so it’s snug around the back of the cab. Secure the thread in the beadwork with a few half-hitch knots between beads, and trim.
(10) Add the thread to the beadwork, and exit from the beaded backstitch one of the lower beads. Pick up one black color 11o rocaille and work one round in tubular, even-count peyote stitch around the beaded cab.
Embellished Leather Bail
Step 1: Cut the leather into 2”x 0,5” strip.
Step 2: Work in flat, even-count peyote stitch to make a strip that is eight beads wide and forty-three or more rows tall.
Step 3: Wrap finished strip around the leather, zip up the first and last rows together.
Step 4: Pick up the working thread and weave through the beadwork to the middle of the bail. Then sew through the beadwork, and leather (with #12 sharp beading needle) to the other side, exit through two beads, weave through the beadwork, secure the thread with half-hitch-knot do not cut the thread.
Step 5: Attach the bail to beaded bezel: exit the one edge bead of bail, pick up one 15o dark gold bead, and sew through one beaded bezel black color 11o rocaille, then pick up one dark gold bead and sew through next edge black bead of bail. Repeat around the bail. Secure the thread with half-hitch-knot and cut the thread.
You can put this pendant on gold chain, beaded herringbone rope, or cotton cord.
More step-by-step Ezartesa tutorials.
This adorable necklace is available for sale! Perfect gift for a bee lover!
Honey Bee Hand Painted Cabochons for sale!
(1) First separate the Lacy’s Stiff Stuff Beading Foundation fabric in to a very thin layers, cut a piece of fabric that is approximately (3mm) larger than the cabochon. Glue it to cabochon. If you are using E6000, allow time for the glue to dry.
(2) Tie an overhand knot at the end of 2yd. (1.8m) of conditioned thread. Using a # 12 needle, sew through the beading foundation fabric from back to front, next to the cab’s edge.
(3) Pick up six 11o black color Japanese seed beads, and position them along the cab’s edge. Sew through the last three beads. Continue working in beaded backstitch around the edge of the cab, adding an even number of beads.
(4) Using a regular beading needle and 11o beads, work in tubular, even-count peyote stitch around the ring. Changing seed bead colors, continue adding rounds of peyote until the top edge of the cab is covered.
(5) Then work a round of peyote using 15o (rocailles) dark gold color seed beads, black, and gold plated rocailles to curve the beadwork inward so it’s snug around the dome of the cab.
(6) Weave through the bezel to the backstitched round, sew through the sheet between two beads, and tie a knot. Don’t trim the thread.
(7) Glue the Ultrasuede to the back of the cabochon. Trim two layers of fabrics near to the edge of cabochon, be careful don’t cut the thread. Sew through to the new back of the pendant near the edge, and whip stitch (using sharps seedle) the edges together. Don’t trim the thread.
(8) Using sharps needle, sew back through the fabrics and the backstitched round one of the lower beads. Using the pumpkin color delica 11o Japanese seed beads continue adding rounds of peyote.
(9) Work a two - three rounds of peyote using black color 15o rocailles, to curve the beadwork outward so it’s snug around the back of the cab. Secure the thread in the beadwork with a few half-hitch knots between beads, and trim.
(10) Add the thread to the beadwork, and exit from the beaded backstitch one of the lower beads. Pick up one black color 11o rocaille and work one round in tubular, even-count peyote stitch around the beaded cab.
Embellished Leather Bail
Step 1: Cut the leather into 2”x 0,5” strip.
Step 2: Work in flat, even-count peyote stitch to make a strip that is eight beads wide and forty-three or more rows tall.
Step 3: Wrap finished strip around the leather, zip up the first and last rows together.
Step 4: Pick up the working thread and weave through the beadwork to the middle of the bail. Then sew through the beadwork, and leather (with #12 sharp beading needle) to the other side, exit through two beads, weave through the beadwork, secure the thread with half-hitch-knot do not cut the thread.
Step 5: Attach the bail to beaded bezel: exit the one edge bead of bail, pick up one 15o dark gold bead, and sew through one beaded bezel black color 11o rocaille, then pick up one dark gold bead and sew through next edge black bead of bail. Repeat around the bail. Secure the thread with half-hitch-knot and cut the thread.
You can put this pendant on gold chain, beaded herringbone rope, or cotton cord.
More step-by-step Ezartesa tutorials.
This adorable necklace is available for sale! Perfect gift for a bee lover!