How to make sea glass jewelry with glass seed beads

How to make sea glass jewelry with glass seed beads.

Sea glass is a glass pieces from the broken bottles and jars that had been worn smooth by the tumbling action of the sea waves against the shore. Ocean weaves drags the pieces of glass across the sand and stones, smoothing it and shaping in different shapes, creating frosted and worn surfaces.
how to make sea glass jewelry beach glass. Sea glass is so pretty that it deserves to be adorned.
Sea glass is so pretty that it deserves to be adorned. Use your most precious founded sea glass pieces to make a unique necklaces, earrings and bracelets.
There are many ways to make sea glass jewelry. Most common are:
  1. Wire wrapping. You would need 20gauge sterling silver, copper or gold-plated wire.
  2. Drilling. You would need Dremel drill and drilling press.
  3. Bezeling requires more training than drilling or wrapping sea glass.
My favorite way of making sea glass jewelry is bead weaving technique.
I like to incorporate in sea glass necklaces sea shells and drift wood pieces. Tu create this mixed necklace you will have to learn basic peyote stitch, circular and tubular peyote stitches.

The supplies I usually use for my sea glass jewelry:
  • Sea glass, beach stones
how-to-make-sea-glass-beach-stone-jewelry-with-seed-beads-ezartesa. Sea glass, beach stones
  • Driftwood
Wood has a grounding quality and it’s lightweight.
  • Sea shell
how to create sea glass jewelry with seed beads sea shell ezartesa
Some shells already have holes for stringing.
  • Natural Feathers
  • Leather
I use leather for pendant bails and for clasps.
  • Cotton Cord
  • Cotton thread
  • Nylon beading thread (conditioned with beeswax).
  • Needles #12, #12 sharps
  • Scissors
  • E-6000 glue
  • Delica Glass Seed Beads
  • Rocailles seed beads
  • Beading foundation

  1. Usually I start by playing with different shapes of drift wood, beach stones, sea glass pieces till I create the desirable composition.
how to make sea glass jewelry tiny glass seed beads ezartesa
  1. Then I glue the chosen pieces to beading foundation: Put a dab of E-6000 glue on beading foundation, and then glue the material to the back (or around) of the piece of sea glass (beach stone, shell or driftwood).
  2. Set the sea glass (beach stone, shell or driftwood) aside and left the glue dry and cure for at least 4 hours (best would be 24 hours).
  3. Tie an overhand knot at the end of 2yd. (1.8m) of conditioned thread. Using a # 12 sharps needle, sew through the beading foundation fabric from back to front, next to the stone edge.
how to create sea glass jewelry
  1. Pick up six Delica Japanese seed beads and position them along the stone’s edge. Sew through the last three beads (figure 1). Continue working in beaded backstitch around the edge of the cab, adding an even number of beads (photo c).
  2. Using a regular beading needle and Delica seed beads, work in tubular, even-count peyote stitch around the ring. Changing seed bead colors for each round, continue adding rounds of peyote until the top edge of the cab is covered (photo d, e).
  3. Then I create a bail for pendant: usually I cut desirable piece of natural leather. Then I create gorgeous print/pattern from tiny glass seed beads.
how to create sea glass jewelry with leather seed beads ezartesa
  1. For necklace strap I use cotton cord and make an adjustable, sliding clasp.
how to make sea glass beach glass jewelry ezartesa
I love combining natural materials in to one big and complicated piece of jewelry.
how to make sea glass beachcomber necklace ezartesa

Beach stone, sea glass, feather and driftwood beaded Beachcomber necklace by Ezartesa. To buy this stunning sea glass necklace
press here.
Sea glass for sure is the most gorgeous beach find you’ll ever see. If you are lucky, you have stunning ocean tumbled sea glass piece that you can turn into unique jewelry with the wonderful story.