Symbolism in Children’s artwork: A process of psychological transformation
Today I want to talk about the symbolism in children’s artwork. Symbolism can in fact be a way to extract the inner workings of the psyche and find out more about yourself, and in so doing, to help you evolve as an artist.

I’m sharing with you the amazing masterpiece by my niece Meda (she is almost 12 years old).
I just think that the painting is brilliant!!! There is lots of symbolism in it, and a strong expression of emotions. I love the style of it, beautiful colors and simple, clear composition.
When I got it as an early gift for Christmas, at first, I was so excited to see that she is experimenting with new painting techniques, it’s not the drawing on the paper anymore but now it’s an acrylic painting on canvas. Then I got a little bit emotional because I saw the tears in her eyes.
But then I started noticing the details…the eyes are wide open (she is conscious and aware of everything) and painted in orange (orange is the color of enthusiasm, emotion and strength; it symbolizes adventure and social communication).
Right away I noticed the presence of the duality: the portrait is divided in blue (sky, male, rational, consciousness) and red (earth, female, subconscious, instincts). The face is divided in pink and yellow (right and left sides of the brain). All the action is going on in the head…
And then I see the stark black background…which I think symbolizes the loss of “paradise” – the simple freedom where all energy is good energy. Where there’s no duality, just perfection, wholesomeness, it’s the time before the birth of the ego.
This painting is the perfect illustration how the human consciousness is growing and evolving.
We are all humans going through the same cosmic cycles:
At the beginning, we get the taste of the paradise (uroboric state of preconsciousness), then we are thrown out of it and are aware of good and evil (growth of the ego, duality). Then comes the confrontation and manipulation of the evil (psychological transformation, development of personality), next the death of the ego and rebirth…and finally the restoration of the wholesomeness and balance. We humans have to be compassionate for each other, simply because we are all going through the same stuff.
I think it’s very important to experience and be conscious about every emotion, good or bad, and try not to suppress it…
There is one more detail I want to mention, blue heart above her head. I think it symbolizes hope, she knows that in all the darkness there is love, light and peace.
I will finish this with the quote by Dolly Parton “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain!”
These are the previous drawings by Meda.

I gave the name for this painting “The paradise “. She was 6 years old when she did this drawing.

This drawing was done after receiving Holy Communion (she was 11 years old).

I’m sharing with you the amazing masterpiece by my niece Meda (she is almost 12 years old).
I just think that the painting is brilliant!!! There is lots of symbolism in it, and a strong expression of emotions. I love the style of it, beautiful colors and simple, clear composition.
When I got it as an early gift for Christmas, at first, I was so excited to see that she is experimenting with new painting techniques, it’s not the drawing on the paper anymore but now it’s an acrylic painting on canvas. Then I got a little bit emotional because I saw the tears in her eyes.
But then I started noticing the details…the eyes are wide open (she is conscious and aware of everything) and painted in orange (orange is the color of enthusiasm, emotion and strength; it symbolizes adventure and social communication).
Right away I noticed the presence of the duality: the portrait is divided in blue (sky, male, rational, consciousness) and red (earth, female, subconscious, instincts). The face is divided in pink and yellow (right and left sides of the brain). All the action is going on in the head…
And then I see the stark black background…which I think symbolizes the loss of “paradise” – the simple freedom where all energy is good energy. Where there’s no duality, just perfection, wholesomeness, it’s the time before the birth of the ego.
This painting is the perfect illustration how the human consciousness is growing and evolving.
We are all humans going through the same cosmic cycles:
At the beginning, we get the taste of the paradise (uroboric state of preconsciousness), then we are thrown out of it and are aware of good and evil (growth of the ego, duality). Then comes the confrontation and manipulation of the evil (psychological transformation, development of personality), next the death of the ego and rebirth…and finally the restoration of the wholesomeness and balance. We humans have to be compassionate for each other, simply because we are all going through the same stuff.
I think it’s very important to experience and be conscious about every emotion, good or bad, and try not to suppress it…
There is one more detail I want to mention, blue heart above her head. I think it symbolizes hope, she knows that in all the darkness there is love, light and peace.
I will finish this with the quote by Dolly Parton “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain!”
These are the previous drawings by Meda.

I gave the name for this painting “The paradise “. She was 6 years old when she did this drawing.

This drawing was done after receiving Holy Communion (she was 11 years old).